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The River: A 5-Month Memoir Group (virtual)

  • Alpine, Wyoming United States (map)

Nine Sundays: 9/8, 9/22, 10/6, 10/27, 11/3, 11/17, 12/1, 12/15, 1/5

4:00pm-7:00pm MT

Single payment of $1850 or eight payments of $250

The River Memoir Group is exactly what it sounds like: a twice-monthly gathering for seven memoirists to receive craft and process support in community, while benefiting from master-level mentorship and facilitation from Kati.

Every time we meet over Zoom, we’ll begin by checking in about where we are in our book-writing, getting to know each others’ concepts and practicing talking about our own. In our second hour, we’ll spend time identifying one of our writing next steps and then actually drafting toward it—whether we’re writing a scene, consolidating some research, or attempting a revision. In our last hour, we’ll enjoy a craft lesson or Q&A intended to help us navigate the tricky parts of book-length writing. These topics will come from the writers in the group, but may include craft issues like time management and pacing, building the arc of meaning, unfurling character change, understanding narrative distance, titrating trauma intensity, writing about real people, surviving trauma writing, self-researching as a memoirist, and more. Writers will often be given homework for these craft conversations to make sure we have a shared context for discussion.

Participants will also have two 1-1 meetings with Kati to use however they prefer.

Memoir writing can be slow. But for five months, The River will keep you moving downstream in your project. Even if you lose touch with your book for a moment, you’ll know the next time you’ll be touching back in. And the craft challenges or personal hesitations that might normally hold you back will be addressed with community and mentorship.

The River is a peer group for your memoir-writing process. You don’t have to do it alone.

What this class includes:

  • Nine gatherings with other dedicated memoirists including check-ins, facilitated craft lessons, and time to make progress on your book

  • Two 1-1s with Kati to use at any point in our time together

  • Membership in a WhatsApp group where class members can support each other or discuss craft issues even when they’re not together

  • Occasional homework assignments (usually readings, sometimes writing exercises) to prepare you for in-class craft lessons

  • Kati’s unique spiritual framework and tools applied to your writing life, and her (award-winning, acclaimed, and industry-savvy) brain thinking about (and investing in) your memoir; when I’m working with people, I’m constantly sending them ideas, reading recommendations, or insights even when we’re not in class or session together

What this class doesn’t include:

  • Feedback on your writing from Kati (although those who become interested may approach Kati directly to create a different plan for this)

  • Feedback on your writing from peers (although those who feel a connection to one another will be encouraged to arrange this outside the bounds of the class)

All payment plans must be completed by March 31, 2025. Participants may choose to make extra payments to complete within the timeframe of the class, if they are able.

To apply for The River, please fill out the following form. Applicants will be accepted on a rolling basis.