Understanding the Spiritual Energetics of Your Writing Life

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Understanding the Spiritual Energetics of Your Writing Life

from $60.00

In this one-evening class, we’ll explore the concept of energetics as it applies to a writing life:

  • We’ll overview how patterns of energy somatically anchor into our bodies, and how peoples’ bodies continually sense each others’ energy fields

  • We’ll discuss how these intuitive and subconscious “readings” of people impact how their work is received

  • You’ll hear examples of how energetics have played out in specific writing lives

  • We’ll explore where these energy patterns come from and identify the ones most active in our current situations

  • We’ll dig into “split energetics,” when parts of us have different ideas of what should happen

  • We’ll process our own energetics on the page and in small groups, collecting ideas for how we can best untangle the dynamics holding us back.

Read the whole class description here.

Payment options:

1 payment of $155

2 payments of $85

3 payments of $60

I understand that by initiating a payment plan I am responsible for submitting the entire amount by October 15.

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