Thursdays, September 7- November 16 (skipping 9/28 and 10/26)
5:30pm-7:30pm Mountain Time
$2555 (payment plan options below)
Have you been working on a memoir seemingly forever without much forward progress? (Or not working on your memoir and beating yourself up for it?) It’s time to harvest those back-to-school seasonal vibes, and rise to the occasion! Commit to this 11-week small-group momentum-generating intensive container, where we’ll figure out what your next steps need to be and support you in making them happen.
Your first task will be to turn in up to 20 pages to receive feedback on, due before our first class on September 7. (If you don’t have these pages yet—or can’t generate them by the first class— let’s use one of your one-on-ones ASAP to get you drafting). We’ll spend the first few weeks of class understanding what’s been getting the way of writing, identifying any fears we need to begin dancing with, and inventorying the skills we need to build in order to execute our process as memoirists.
By the second half of our container, you’ll be meeting your own drafting deadlines, benefiting from supportive community, and learning through craft lessons taught by me (Kati) and designed specifically for your projects. We’ll take one break each month to have the opportunity to write more deeply in advance of our final deadline, when you’ll turn in your 35-page sample and share your goals for the rest of the year.
This offering is limited to 6 participants.
“In Getting Un-stuck on Your Memoir, Kati has provided a personalized structure for overcoming the specific hurdles that have hindered progress on my memoir. Her influence, and the support of a sympathetic small class, have helped me distill its essential meaning.”
Payment Plan Options
1 payment of $2555
2 payments of $1305
3 payments of $875
4 payments of $665
5 payments of $565
Deposit of $550, then six investments of $385
All payment plans must be completed by 12/30/23.
What’s included in the 11-week container:
Initial deadline for up to 20 pages of material, with feedback from Kati
Feedback on one work sample up to 20 pages whenever you need it during the intensive
Nine 2-hour classes that help you inventory a) what’s been getting in the way of working on your book, b) what memoir skills you need to work on developing, c) how your book is building meaning (alongside how you would like it to), and d) how to maintain your momentum once you have it.
Access to an acclaimed writer and trauma writing expert who will be designing class time in response to the small group’s particular needs
The option of an open zoom room before and after class if you want to habit stack your writing process against our class hours
Three one-on-one meetings to use with me at critical points in the process
Supportive small group community connected through a private WhatsApp group
Final deadline for 35 pages of material (new or revised), with feedback
The sense of urgency that comes with taking advantage of a one-time opportunity and making a sizable investment in your work.
Please note that your one-on-ones and the WhatsApp group expire on December 1, and your pages must be submitted on time in order to receive feedback. While I understand firsthand that wild things in life can happen even during our favorite opportunities, your initial deposit of at least $550 is non-refundable and all services offered above can only be used during the time frame of our intensive. Classes are not recorded.
In order to be a fit for this offering, you must:
Have been writing throughout your life, consistently or on-and off throughout the last few years, or consistently in the last few months. In other words: this happens to be a moment you’re more stuck than usual, but this won’t be the first time you’ve written
Have a memoir underway, even if it’s only a little bit underway— if you’re writing something that’s not a memoir, this won’t be a fit!
Be able to make all class dates, with the exception of serious illness, except for one pre-declared conflict date. (If you are traveling, I’d love to have you log in from your remote location(s)). We will collectively be prioritizing writing even in difficult circumstances!
Be interested in the support of a small group of other engaged writers, and willing to connect outside class with others in some capacity
Own a phone capable of operating WhatsApp
Have a willingness to read works by published writers to study craft concepts relevant to your own work
Feel clear that NOW is the right time to more deeply commit to your work
Envision working on your book beyond the timeline of this container