Saturday, November 16 and Sunday, November 17 from 10am-5pm (includes 1 hour lunch break)
How do we write sex? And if we don't, why not? In this 12-hour intensive at Seattle’s Hugo House, participants will consider the role of the sex scene in storytelling, discuss the politics and ethics of writing sex, and explore the differences between pornography, erotica, and literary sex writing. Along the way, participants will gain a greater comfort discussing, writing, and publishing sensual and sexual writing. This class is primarily generative. All participants must show up ready to cultivate a fun, safe, nonjudgmental space.
Member price: $265.50 Non-member price: $295
Registration for this class will open in August through Hugo House. Scholarship applications open until August 23.
“This class taught me to think about how writing about sex arouses readers and the different ways it accomplishes that arousal. Kati helped me begin to view the world with a sex positive outlook and try to confront the shame instilled from a childhood fraught with puritanical prudery. I’m blushing less, and I’m happy about that.”
“The readings were invaluable. So often sex seeps its slippery way into my writing, and I’m at once intrigued and horrified by it. How dare you! Always showing up unwanted and unannounced, and my words always at your mercy. The readings from this course helped me see I’m not the only one. They validated that urge in me to go ahead — pen the nasty in whatever way it wants/needs to come out.”
“This class changed my life.
I found myself in a safe and supportive environment where I could not only share some of my most intimate experiences, but learn to write about them in an intentional and constructive way. I ended up composing nearly 100 pages of my own personal sex essays!
This is more than just a writing class; it’s a place where we can talk about one of the most important things in the world: SEX.”