Tuesday evenings over Zoom: 9/27/2022 - 11/1/2022
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm PST
Investment: $274.50 for member; $305 for non-members
Member Registration begins August 23; General Registration begins August 30
Scholarship Donation Day is August 22: People who donate $250+ to Hugo Houses’s scholarship fund on this day may register early by phone
Scholarship applications open July 18
All humans die. To focus on this fundamental truth can be macabre-- yet death exists hand in hand with some of our most powerful, precious, and beautiful experiences. In this 6-week nonfiction class, we'll explore the craft of writing about death, noticing the narrative structures and syntax that effectively hold brutal experiences. We'll draw on excerpts and essays from Audre Lorde, Jesmyn Ward, Eva Saulitis, Thich Nhat Hanh, and Emily Rapp Black. Participants will generate one new essay of their own. (Instructor feedback is not included in this class.)